Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day #10 - Laundry Room/Closet Organization

Day #10 of the Getting Organized Challenge over at A Bowl Full of Lemons is the organization of the Laundry Room/Closet.  Our laundry closet is located on the second floor which is very convenient.  This challenge wasn't too bad since I painted the closet and added the cabinets a year or so ago.  As you can see I still have the board up that we used to install the cabinets.  With all of my couponing I needed more storage for all of the items I was stockpiling.  We originally had the builder grade white wire shelf but it just wasn't enough storage.  I use one cabinet to mostly store all of my laundry supplies (detergent, fabric softener sheets, pretreat, delicates bags, etc,) and the other one for personal products.  We have all of the shampoos and toothpaste that we will need for quite some time.  I usually supply my family with "care packages" of products whenever the stockpile gets too big. 

Slightly Cluttered Laundry Closet

Organized Closet

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